Monday, October 12, 2009

Midsemester Joy

I am enjoying this semester as we head into its eighth week. Most of the freshmen students I'm teaching wrote good papers defining leadership and illustrating it with examples. I'm even more excited about their third essays that will look at a fake and a real Web news story to compare and contrast them as a way of sorting out the difficulty of getting the truth in the information age. Someone once told me to only assign papers that I wanted to read. I'm looking forward to reading the summaries of the news stories students will find and seeing how they were able to sort through them. The students seemed happy that we were rounding the corner and heading toward the second half of the semester. I hope that they'll all hang in there and do their best until the end. I know I enjoy reading good papers. Not only are the quicker to grade than the bad essays, but they are a pleasure to think about and reflect on later.

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